Application for Membership

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Membership Interest

Objects of Cullunghutti Aboriginal Child and Family Centre are to
  1. Provide services to meet Aboriginal Children and families' needs
  2. Provide services that culturally match the Local Aboriginal Community
  3. Deliver evidence-based services to improve outcomes for children and families, including, but not limited to, health, education and welfare initatives, and a not-for-profit Early Learning Service
  4. Provide the aforementioned services for all family and community members beyond the target group initially set by government
  5. Ensure the aforementioned services adopt, implement, and promote culturally appropriate processes and protocols
  6. Undertake evaluation of the aforementioned services with a methodology that is culturally accepted, and has participation or lead involvement by the local Aboriginal community. The evaluation will take into account outcomes related to cultural identity for children and the local community
  7. Influence mainstream (children's, family support, and health services) delivery to improve partnerships, access and referrals, and effectiveness for Aboriginal families
  8. Ensure any Centre owned and used by the Association in the provision and delivery of the aforementioned services be staffed and managed (as fully and as practically as possible) by Aboriginal people
  9. Ensure the Association maintains the principles of working closely with existing Aboriginal Organisations for the best outcomes for Aboriginal children, their families, and the local Aboriginal community
  10. Doing all such acts, deeds, matters, and things as may be incidental, ancillary, or conductive to the attainment and furtherance of these objects
  11. To establish a Public Benevolent Institution which will be a Non-Profit Institution, organised for the direct relief of poverty, sickness, suffering, distress, misfortune, disability, or helplessness among the Aboriginal Community which it serves
  12. To auspice services and organisations that provide services to peoples of the Shoalhaven and surrounding areas
  13. To promote, strengthen, and maintain the social and cultural integrity of Aboriginal communities by ensuring that all programs operate in a culturally appropriate, respectful, and supportive way


I hereby apply to become a member of the Cullunghutti Aboriginal Child and Family Centre (Incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act, NSW 2009), and declare that I am of 18 years of age, or older.
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